The Dreams of a Shadow

The Shadow Dreamer

Greetings in the name of our great God and wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ!

My name is Loren Byelich. I'm a 27 year old guy who loves Jesus. He is the ultimate reality of my life. He is my all in all. No one else and nothing else can replace Him. The more I live, the more I understand this. And the more I understand this, the more I love Him and those He loved. "We love, because He first loved us." is what our brother and apostle John wrote in his first epistle. And Jesus' love frees us, heals us, and gives us abundant joy and hope for our future.

If I could relay one thing in this whole world to those reading this, it would be: See Jesus for Who He really is in His Word. You will never be the same. There is unconditional love and grace to be found! And it is in the cross and in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

I'm a guy who has seen and experienced a lot of things. And I've been through a lot in my life. I'd have to say that my heart apart from Christ is more jaded and shaded by my past than I'd like to think. But God's grace is sufficient. And when I am weak, then I am strong. I'm only sure of one thing: Jesus loves me. And I need that. And so do you. So please, look to Jesus. Let Him touch your heart. And seek peace with those around you while it's still called today. Amen.

Musically, my tastes start and end on punk rock and hard-core (Creed, Minor Threat, Crashdog, Stretch Arm Strong, Left Out). But I have grown to like every music style including: ska (Insyderz, Supertones, Save Ferris), rockabilly (Stray Cats), metal (Deliverance, Precious Death, Stir, Savatage, Metallica), electronica, 80's euro-pop (Cure, Smiths, New Order, Depeche Mode) and Christian alternative artists like Steve Taylor, Mad At The World, and Daniel Amos (DA). My grandparents got me listening to country. My mom and dad got me listening to 70's hard rock and oldies rock n roll.

As for movies, I like old ones -- Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, and John Wayne. My favorite musical is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I also love Gone with the Wind -- if you got a problem with any of that, meet me in the mosh pit...hehe:-)...j/k. I love Monty Python, John Hughes movies, and Disney flicks.

I don't watch TV much, but if I do, it's cartoons or MTV. Mainly, I just read. I love good fiction, the classics, Shakespeare, and old books on knowing Jesus. Some of my favs are Thomas A'Kempis, Luther and Calvin, Andrew Murray, among many others. I also enjoy the writings of Michael Horton, James Boice, Francine Rivers, Max Lucado and Phillip Yancey.

Besides all that, my profile on AOL says it all. Nuff said.

The Shadow Dreamer's Precious

It is said that you can tell a lot about a person by what he values most in life. My most valued possession is not an object or even a possession per se. It is a person named Alicia:-). And my relationship with her is the most important thing on this earth to me. I love her with all my heart and soul. And I want all the world to know it. She is consistently my best friend and faithful companion. She is a true lady. And she loves my Jesus. But most importantly, in my heart and in reality, she is my Precious.

There are only a few people in this world that you meet who know your heart and love you unconditionally. My Alicia is one of those people. She has grace, beauty, and a heart full of compassion and wisdom. She is a gifted counselor and listener. Her smile lights up the world and, as you can tell, I'm her biggest cheerleader:-). I respect her and I cherish her. And I have joy for tomorrow because she is in my life.

A man has only two things to do in this life: love His God and love the woman God gave him. From those two loves flow all of life itself. If a man will even begin to grasp the first, he will be able to enjoy the second. And enjoy it I have.

I love you, Alicia Michelle. You are a light of God's grace in my life. And I am a blessed man for knowing you and being loved by you. Thank you for your love and compassion and, in all things, your forgiveness.

You are my Precious.

The Shadow Dreamer Online

I spend a lot of time online just talking via IM. I am also on ICQ. My ICQ number is 55902667. If you are hurting inside and you need someone to talk to, please feel free to IM or ICQ me. It is my hope and prayer to be a source of peace and gentleness. And I would be happy to pray with you and for you, too.

Other than that, I've taken to listening to ICRN (Involved Christian Radio Network) and surfing through church history and Reformed webrings while I do my house chores.

I am a student of the Reformation and love to discuss issues in theology. If you have questions about the Lord or would like a sounding board for what the Lord is teaching you, then let's talk:-). But I DO NOT want to argue.

Theology is the study of God. And first and foremost, before discussing anything else, we must understand His Word when He says, "God is love." Therefore, we should be seeking to know God in loving one another in our word and deed. And a critical spirit in regards to theological discussion is counter-productive and unfruitful for either party.

If we have Christ in common, it is enough. In fact it is the only thing that matters. His unconditional love and grace found on the cross is that "spirit of unity in the bond of peace" that Paul spoke of. So let's not argue, but simply tell me what the Lord is doing in your life and let's praise God together as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Now may God richly bless you as you read my work, surf my site and talk or pray with me. Amen.

The Shadow Dreamer's Sites

What I Believe...
Loving Grace Ministries
A Call to Unity in the Body of Christ

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