Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I have a passion for unity and love and healing within
the Body of Christ. There are many things we all carry
along with us that complicate the basic issues of our
faith. And these things become a stench of disunity
before the world and keep those outside the faith from
truly seeing the most important thing that Christianity
reveals, namely, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
When I consider the sine quo non of Christianity, I find
no greater doctrine, experience, cause or focus than
that of "Christ and Him crucified." According to
Scripture, He is the "Alpha and the Omega, the beginning
and the end." He is both the Who and the what of our
salvation. And it is through His love that we live a new
life unto Him.
In our youth we learn one simple truth: "Jesus loves
me." That fact has so transformed my life that anything
else is step-child theology. The only issue in life is
whether we accept or reject His unconditional love and
grace found on the cross. As Paul wrote concerning the
good news of the cross and the resurrection of Christ,
"it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who
believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For
in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to
faith, as it is written, 'The just shall live by
Brothers and sisters, our faith is grounded, established
and built up in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. In
Him we see the Father revealed. The Holy Spirit comes
and proclaims Him to our hearts through His Word. And in
fact, Jesus IS the Word of God.
We, as children of God, have received His Word, which is
the Gospel of grace through Jesus Christ. In fact, we
have received grace upon grace. The Scriptures says, "it
is by grace we have been saved through faith, and this
not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works,
unless any man should boast." This grace came when God
stepped out of eternity, became a man and sacrificed
Himself by brutal torture for the sins of the entire
world -- past, present and future.
"He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our
iniquity; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
and by His stripes we are healed." Jesus was the wounded
healer. He tasted death for us all and endured
separation from the Father so that we might never endure
such separation. And it is all of grace.
And life truly begins as we see Jesus and His work on
our behalf and trust in Him. Faith is not something we
work at. It is the gift of God. And we are called to
live by faith in Christ. Jesus said, "Come unto me and I
will give you rest." We are to learn of Him and step
into the yoke -- the easy yoke -- with Jesus and walk
daily by faith in Him.
Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ,
therefore I no longer live, but Jesus Christ lives in
me, and the life I now live I live by faith in Jesus,
who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Brethren, we are crucified with Christ in our baptism
and we have been raised to newness of life in Him. We
must love one another. We must receive one another. We
must depart from trying to use His Word as a sword
against each other and, instead, use it to encourage,
exhort, and build one another up.
I realize much of the issues in the contemporary Church
are seemingly insurmountable and unresolvable. But those
of us who are mature must bear with and undergird those
who are weak in the faith. Instead of pointing fingers,
dividing, and excommunicating, we should be about loving
one another and gently guiding each other to a knowledge
of the truth.
So much of the Church fights and bickers over so many
things. And it turns those outside off to the Gospel.
Moreover, we act in our churches in such a way that I
think if Jesus were to stand in our midst we would not
recognize Him, because we are off desiring this new
teaching or this new experience in the Spirit or
fighting the windmills of this age in the political
Brethren, we need to love. We need to pray for one
another, even the brothers and sisters we disagree with.
It is not enough to simply name the name of Christ. We
need to love as our Savior loved us. And we need to
proclaim "Christ and Him crucified" over and above any
denominational or personal distinctives.
He alone is Who saved us. His grace found in the cross
and resurrection is the only foundation on which we
stand. Without Him, we are nothing. And without Him, we
can do nothing. Jesus Christ is the "Alpha and the
Omega, the beginning and the end." He is the "author and
finisher of our faith." If it is through Christ that we
begin this journey,then it is also through Him that we
should continue on and finish this journey. So let us
resolve as a Church to unite in Christ as our eternal
This is a call to all who name the name of Christ;
Catholic, Orthodox, Reformed and evangelical alike. It
is well that we hold to our distinctives, but we are
still brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord. We
must all remember that it is upon the same cross that
our Lord died for us. And it is from the same tomb that
He rose again. And we are children baptized into "one
holy catholic church" who partake of the same body and
blood each Sunday around the world. This is truly the
"communion of the saints" and "the aroma of Christ" of
which Paul wrote.
If we would see Jesus only and desire Him alone, I think
we would see the greatest move of God in history. For
when we all see Jesus, true unity, love and peace is
accomplished in the Body of Christ. And this "aroma" of
love and unity is the only thing that will finally
overpower the bitter stench of cold and selfish
Church-ianity and draw a lost and dying world to the
May the Lord richly bless you as you consider these
things. Amen.
Your brother in Christ,